Get started

See how you can deploy a custom geospatial data project in as little as two weeks

Step 1

Define objectives

Define your study by describing what you need to measure and the characteristics of the geospatial area. Defining the type of data and scope of collection is important for selecting the best sensors and hardware for your project.

Step 2

Select sensors and hardware

Work with us to select the type and quantity of sensors and hardware that best fit your project requirements. We’ll take the hardware development from there.

Step 3

Deploy sensors

We’ll help you install your sensor network and activate your devices from the Vidēre Labs Dashboard. Together we can test network connectivity and adjust device settings like data transmission intervals.

Step 4

Access data

Access your data as soon as your network is deployed. Use our visualization and advanced analysis tools to gain new insights. Set up alerts for specific events and users. Download and share raw data and reports.

Vidēre Labs Advantage

Learn more about the benefits of end to end integration

Cost Effective

Hardware as a service and software as a service reduce costs making it accessible for organizations of any size

Rapid Deployment

Standardized project delivery, pre-configured data pipelines, and integrated software allow for quick project deployments


Cloud infrastructure that scales for geospatial data projects of any size


One platform reduces data transfers and the possibilities data loss


A broad range of sensor capabilities and software functionality allow for many use cases

Instantly Accessible

Insights from your data as soon as your sensor network is deployed. Data is immediately processed and viewable in the dashboard

Schedule a Demo

See how your organization can benefit from geospatial data insights